Tuesday, January 17, 2006

snapshot of the long weekend

  • number of mornings I slept in while SP took the boys to another room : 1
  • number of Christmas trees we got rid of after finally exchanging gifts and enjoying the tree: 1
  • number of homemade pizzas we made and ate: 2
  • number of breadmakers retrieved and dusted off in order to make pizza dough: 1
  • number of games of Yahtzee we played: 1
  • number of times I suddenly felt depressed: several
  • number of times we went to bed exhausted: 3
  • number of screaming babies we carried around one night because my breastmilk was causing them problems (too much Indian food): 2
  • number of times I felt disoriented and sad because SP and I can't do so many things we used to: many
  • number of times SP washed dishes and straightened up while I relaxed: many
  • number of DVDs we watched: 3
  • number of times I laughed at SP's hilarious dancing in the kitchen: many many
  • number of pages I read in the book SP got me from the library: 10
  • number of times we took J to the hospital for a blood test only to find the lab was closed: 1 - grrrrrr!
  • number of pre-pregnancy jeans I can now wear: 2 (nevermind the gut hanging over them - it still counts!!!)
  • number of months it's been since I've had a haircut: 12?
  • number of times this weekend I thought I should really go get a haircut but then decided it sounded too boring: 12?
  • number of appointments I tried to make for J: 3
  • number of appointments I cancelled for myself: 1
  • number of times SP and I did something that a lady shouldn't speak of: a lady never tells (but it was more than twice!)
  • number of times I forgot to take my new birth control pills: 1
  • number of pregnancies we hope will not result from my negligence: 1
  • number of times I thought how great it is to have twins: several
  • number of times I thought how very difficult it is to have twins: several
  • number of times I've had to let one of the babies cry because I don't have enough hands: countless
  • number of times I felt guilty about letting one of the babies cry: many, but not all
  • number of times I wished I only had one baby: none
  • number of times I fell in love looking into my babies' eyes once again: many
  • number of times I came to a breaking point with their crying in tandem: 2
  • number of days we felt desperately cooped up because of the weather: 2
  • number of walks we took on the day that it was finally nice out: 1
And at the end of the walk, we stopped by a pub that's 2 blocks from our house to see if we dared to have lunch there, babies in tow. It was, as we'd hoped, empty, I guess because of MLK day. So SP ducked inside and asked if they would be able to accommodate a twin stroller, and the waitress, who has two boys 11 mo. apart, was all for it. She made room and gave us a back table. We were literally the only ones eating there (there were a couple people up at the bar), so we didn't have to worry about germs. We sat there and each had a pint and a burger. It was really nice. We had some pumped milk along, so the babies had lunch too. I held a fussy little M on my lap while eating, and it worked. So maybe, just maybe, we won't spend the rest of our lives in our apartment afterall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I first went back to work the boys were 6 months old. I remember thinking that the weekend felt like just more work. I'd work all week just to come home and take care of babies all weekend. Now, I really enjoy my special Saturdays with the boys, even though J works ALL weekend. They take 2 good naps (at the same time - it does eventually happen that way)and are so much more easygoing when they're up, not to mention more fun. I sometimes make myself do something that feels crazy with the 2 of them just to keep my confidence up. (Last week O stole a lemon at the co-op!)I find that if I don't challenge myself that way regularly, I really do feel like I'll never get out again. Nobody is going to get hurt if they fuss a little. Really the worst that could happen is a. they might have an explosion fromon end of the other. They'll live. b. they'll fuss and/or cry. They'll live. c. both! They (and you) will live. And chances are, none of those will happen, and you'll get to go somewhere! Good for you for going out to the pub. Not only did you get to go out, but you get to carry that feeling of possibilities around with you. Loved your post, BTW.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Reesh said...

Please don't read our latest blog entry in which I talk of basking in our last days of freedom. It's okay for me to read yours though as it reminds me to really enjoy this time we have now. Thanks for the perspective and don't worry, I'm not afraid although I should be. Must be the pregnancy hormones still working overtime...

12:39 AM  

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