Tuesday, October 11, 2005

October is about more than just cookies

Yesterday my friend J called from MA to check on me. She is one of the most thoughtful friends I know. Anyway, in the course of the conversation, she told me that it's National Cookie Month. Meanwhile, I was sitting on my bed with my friend B of unwellness, eating a blondie that she had brought me. B also brought me a box of chocolate chip cookies, upon my request for something sweet. My plan was to eat as many cookies as possible before hearing the results of my gestational diabetes test today. Well, now I can slow down and enjoy, because I do NOT have g. diabetes. YAYYYYYYYYYYY!

But back to National Cookie Month. I was wondering how these months that celebrate or bring awareness to certain things come about. I already knew it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month, and the second half of Hispanic Heritage Month. But who knew that there was a month just for cookies? I began to wonder if October was the month of other things too, so I did a little research. I'd like to share some of my favorites with you.

October has also been designated as the following:

Celebrate Sun Dried Tomatoes Month
Go Hog-Wild Eat Country Ham Month
International Strategic Planning Month

National Chili Month

National Communicate with Your Kid Month
National Construction Toy Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Family Sexuality Education Month
National Medical Librarians Month

National Popcorn Poppin’ Month

National Pork Month
National Roller Skating Month
National Toilet Tank Repair Month
Talk About Prescriptions Month

And perhaps my very favorite...
Positive Attitude Month

I wish I were still teaching so that when a kid in my classroom acted up, I could say, "Come on now, Janie, don't you know October is Positive Attitude Month? You're going to have to hold off on your whining and complaining until November 1st."


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