Thursday, September 29, 2005

A good scare.

I will fill in the details of what happened within the next few days, but for now I will just say that I had to be admitted to the hospital for 5 days due to a shortening cervix and tons of contractions. I'm now home with a device that pumps medicine into my leg continuously, in order to keep contractions at bay. We were 27 weeks, 5 days when we went in. Now we're at 28 weeks, 4 days. I am on strict bedrest. The doctors say that with this medicine it is possible I will go to 32 or even a whopping 34 weeks, but that for now the goal is to get to 30 weeks. We are feeling better now, but we both did a lot of crying at the thought of our little babies coming too early and having to battle for life outside the womb. We are calmer now, knowing more facts, hearing more about what they can do in the neonatal care unit from the doctors that work there. We are cautiously optimistic and know that we are lucky they are still inside of me, safe and sound.
I don't think either one of us realized how much we love these babies -or how much we already innately feel like parents- until this scare. Please, if you feel moved to do so, send your good thoughts and prayers our way. Thank you to everyone who called or wrote with concern. It really means so much to know you're out there.


Blogger Martha said...

Thinking about you guys. And BABIES..stay in there for a while's a big world out here, but you'll see it all someday, so no rushing.

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are thinking a lot about you guys and sending prayers for growth and a contraction-free home for the twinkies for weeks to come. hang in there and get your hands on some trashy magazines in the meantime!

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a total lurker on your blog, but I felt moved to post to say that I'm happy to hear that you and your babies are okay and they are going to stay in there a bit longer. I can't believe you are having twins! That is so crazy and amazing. Take care,


1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending all my best wishes to all four of you. You are going to be a beautiful family. Actually, you already are!
-Melissa (Bri's friend & blog lurker)

2:33 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Oh, no! It didn't even occur to me that that might be why you were quiet for a while.

Babies, please listen. You need to stay where you are. It's crowded (and it will get more so) but it is SO MUCH nicer than what you would find on the outside right now. Stay IN until, oh, Halloween would be nice.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Bill Norris said...

Hang in there babies. You've got a long time to be out here and there's so much more to worry about. So just grow.

You've got to trust me on this one, I was born at just under 28 weeks way back in 1972 and you're much better off hanging around inside your mom for as long as you can

2:23 PM  
Blogger Thalia said...

Thinking about you - hoping they stay in there a bit longer.

7:11 PM  
Blogger mactechwitch said...

I arrived at your blog through Unwellness.
Hang on.
It sounds like you're in good hands and you will get to the finish line with two fine babes.
I'm rooting for 32 weeks.
Time go fast!

8:00 AM  

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